Atomic layer-coated gRaphene
electrodes for Micro-flexible and Structural supercapacitors

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Advancing sustainable innovation: the University of Southern Denmark's role in the ARMS project
The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is a relatively young and fast-growing Danish university (started in 1966). It consists of five faculties that educate just under 30,000 students, and five campuses, the largest of which is in Odense, on the island of Funen. The Faculty of Engineering, affiliated with ARMS, has gained a reputation for cutting-edge research, especially in robotics, and has generated many startups. The team at SDU involved in the ARMS project consists of Associate Professor Ciprian Cimpan and Postdoctoral Fellow Suiting Ding.
First publication from the ARMS project: sustainable wood carbon for next-generation energy storage
The ARMS project's first scientific publication, “Enhancing Specific Capacitance and Energy Density in Printed Supercapacitors: The Role of Activated Wood Carbon and Electrolyte Dynamics,” was published in the open-access journal Carbon Trends. The publication explores the potential of Activated Wood Carbon (AWC) – a sustainable and innovative material – for use in printed supercapacitors.
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